Read a sobering post about child pornography in the US on the New York Times. How one 13 year old kid can be so easily seduced by a group of pedophiles online in the safety of his own home. These pedophiles conspired to get him to believe that it was normal to take his clothes off and do sexual favours online for free gifts and money. And the way they did it, one small step at a time.. and how the internet community that they formed only encouraged them to think that what they were doing was justifiable, and that the real culprits were the young boys and girls who tempted them with their flesh....
All of it, and more, is quite disturbing. This is what they mean by the dark side of the internet.
Ok, time to move on to a lighter-hearted topic.
Places I want to visit before settling down :
1) Herrang!
2) Bhutan (mountains and sheeps and goats and weekly archery contests oh my!)
3) The Appalachian mountain trails (I wanna hike this for all 4 months that is needed to walk the trail)
4) Europe - anywhere (see 1)
5) Kilimanjaro
6) Vietnam
If you could choose one place to go to tomorrow with your significant someone, who would it be?
Been having strange dreams lately (or rather, been remembering them) :P
- Running a marathon, and realising that my Timberland shoes had split. Thinking "damn, but well at least Timberland shoes are lifetime guaranteed". Running home to changem y shoes and missing the rest point for the marathon. Stopping by the National Library (which had conveniently located itself by my apartment). Realising that I had forgotten to put my playstation portable back while running to the relay point. Stopping by a tutition student's house to drop off the playstation. And then getting into an argument with the mom cos I had assigned the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe to my student as a reading assignment, which the mom deemed too "christian".
- another weird dream : driving a bus from somewhere in the city down little alleys back home. careening the bus from side to side while narrowly missing some drains. realising i was falling asleep while driving and forcing myself to wake up. then actually waking up.
As L says, I am weird.
Ajantis is weird.
good morning, wordpress
8 years ago
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