Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Run fun bun hun

Couple of random rants.

Why is it that it costs 400 more bucks to go from Singapore-Tokyo-Detroit, instead of Singapore-Tokyo-Detroit-New York!? It seems so ridiculous to fly to New York and back to Detroit for 400 bucks less!

Argh. The vagaries of flight pricing really bug me. And of course, this is all taking place on Northwest (or Northworst) as they call it. Which is descending rapidly into bankruptcy as we speak, taking all my frequent flier miles with it. Ok, I exaggerate, but my anguish stems from the fact that despite having flown to Detroit on Northworst umpteenth times, stupid me has yet to convert ANY of those miles into free flights. So i feel the urgent need to, like some idiotic squirrel, quickly save up and use the miles before they disappear completely.

Just got back from workplan retreat for my department. It was an interesting experience being the most senior person there, that everyone kinda instinctively defers to. Made me feel a deep sense of responsibility for leading the team, but that should sound familiar to anyone who knows me or who has read this blog. The more interesting tidbit is that i think my colleagues all probably think of me as some spasmodic person who likes to make an idiot out of himself. Ok that's pushing it a little bit much, although I have to admit that laughing hysterically while chasing cats into a bunch of my female colleagues in order to make them shriek in panic was a little cruel of me :P No wonder one of my colleagues has told me that I must have been one of those boys who liked to pull the girl's pigtails in class (which is kinda true)

B's wedding was nice, and thankfully un-traditionally Chinese. No tacky ice swans with pink backlighting, no wedding slideshow showing how both partners were destined for each other, no tearful thanking of the parents-in-law for bringing such a wonderful wife/groom/partner(insert) into this world. While it is completely appropriate to thank one's parents-in-law, it seems a bit much to make it seem like they should be thanked for giving birth to someone!

It was sweet to see B and K getting married, and equally sweet to see them sharing their joy with us, especially when they had that first dance. Made me think a bit about what I want at my ceremony (even though we're already married). And H knows what i want. I figured one dance, and one song by H (Billy Joel's And So It Goes). H thinks i'm evil, but i don't think so.... muhahahha.

Ajantis is rubbing his hands with glee.

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