Friday, January 26, 2007

Fragile and fragiler

Have been stricken by a series of physical ailments over the past week.

First my right back started spasming, followed by my left back. Despite that, i managed to get a workout at the gym but ended up with a tight left calf, followed by a strained right shoulder and then a strained left shoulder on consecutive days. Couple that with some unidentified bug over the past few days, and i was basically feeling not so well the past week.

Although i managed to get in some dancing on Thursday, my left shoulder stiffened up further after that, to the point where i could barely lift my hands comfortably to the steering wheel :P

So am taking it easy today even though i had the afternoon off.

This is probably what it feels like to be a weekend warrior...

Ajantis is suffering from Gen-X-itis...

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