Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's been a while....

wow, haven't blogged for a while. so many things to blog about.... where shall i start?

Well... SEAJAM was just over, and it rocked! Even if my feet felt like solid knots of pain by the end of the camp, it was worth it :D Going to lindy hop camp always gives me new insights about my own dancing. Bee and I won the competition (free SEAJAM next year), but i realised from everyone's comments that i need to have more energy in my dancing. Something to think about over the next year.

Work has been good, and I like the culture in my new job. Still trying to adjust to the fact that i report directly to a politician. I spazzed out when i realised that there was no immediate superior in the office to turn to for guidance.... but am over that now. Now, I'm just trying to figure out how i can best value add to the organisation given how directly hands-on the politician can be... But hey, one insecurity at a time, yes? :)


Been playing a ton of World of Warcraft.... it's a fun game. And WAY too addictive. Something about orcs doing the breakdance and female bulls (called Tauren) doing riverdance routines when u do the /dance command just rocks my world. Zug zug zug...

Long distance small distance
Had an interesting conversation with Fred the other day about relationships. When H and I end this long distance relationship and move together, there will definitely be some issues to sort out. For one thing, one or both of us will need to uproot and leave behind our current social networks. On this trip, I realised that our mutual friends have now moved away, and H and I have formed different social networks. This made it harder for me to connect with H's friends at times. Compounding this will be the fact that one or both of us will be looking for jobs....
That said though, I am quite confident that our relationship can withstand the stress. In some ways, being in a long-distance relationship has made me more appreciative of what the two of us have.

Guess that's all for now. I wanted to rant about credit cards and their insane annual fee charges, oh and the complete stupidity of the 10% service charge in Singapore restaurants... But i guess that can wait for later :)

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