1) Pretty pretty fireflies
2) Too many insects with an unnatural affinity for flying into your open mouth
3) How late the sun sets (i knew this before, but i haven't been back to Michigan in a long time)
So the wedding is over. It was fun, and it was my first time to an honest-to-goodness American wedding :) What was also cool was that it was my first time meeting H's extended family as well as my brother in law's extended family, and how accepting they were of me and H. It was nice, if a little awkward at times. The Jewish ceremony was relatively short, and I really liked that the ceremony consisted mostly of symbolic actions that consisted of good wishes for the bride and groom, and that the rabbi took pains to explain the significance of each symbol. Given that most of those attending were not practicing Jews, the effort by the rabbi to be inclusive was very touching. And Jewish music is beautiful.
So all in all, it was a wonderful wedding, even if I didn't get a chance to slow dance with H. Ah well. There will be a next time.
Other miscellaneous observations :
1) Visited the nearest Asian food market. It's large, and they sell literally everything, ranging from a ginormous wok and wok burner, to... live frogs that you can take home to prepare a dish of fresh frog legs
2) On other green-tea matters, I also found green tea kit kat in Nagoya airport, and treated myself to some green tea love. That's definitely something i'm splurging on when I go back...
Now if only i could find a green tea soft serve machine....
Ajantis is lovin the matcha kucha...