Friday, July 21, 2006

Here i am just crossing down the street...

So it's 4am and 2 hours to my flight. I've just spent the last few hours after swing amending papers and sending in stuff for people to follow up. Perhaps it's true that I AM a workaholic (gasp). H will be stunned to learn i finally admitted to it. Well, it's more like i don't like leaving things unfinished. I pride myself on the fact that i've yet to hand in a late piece of work over the past 15 years. Wow, that sounded.... scary :)

Anyway, i've been really addicted to So You Think You Can Dance. Watched every clip like 8-10 times. It's just amazing what the human body can do, and what the human body can create. I never liked lyrical jazz, or even ballroom, till i saw this show. The pictures and moves the partners create, god! They leave me positively envious that i can't even begin to remotely approach the talent that some of the competitors display. But it's inspiring. Dancing lindy hop has given me a much greater appreciation for the craft and artistry that goes into professional dancing.

2 more hours to my flight, 36 more hours till i meet H, and a few more from that till I meet H's extended family. This should be fun :)

Ajantis has been looking forward to this vacation for A WHILE...

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