Monday, July 10, 2006

Hello!? Goombye!

Ran another 26km last night from 130am to 4 am last night. Some people might call me crazy, but running at night is both relaxing and surreal.

The good news is that i found something that can keep my knees and shoulders from chafing after running. It's something called Opsite, a kind of skin-like bandage. What's cool is it comes in a spray on version, which makes it really easy to apply.

This is a cool story, even though some of you readers out there still think D&D is geek central. I'm positive almost every guy who grew up during the 70s to early 90s remembers playing some form of role-playing game. And who wouldn't enjoy an RPG as a kid? The chance to play out your own derring-do adventures, to be the hero (or villian) of your own story, and do what you would or could not do in real life. And this paragraph sums it up for me about D&D...

"I learned the most important lesson about D&D that day. I remembered that this is a game about imagination, about coming together to tell a story as a group. And the fact is, the players have as much right to tell that story as the DM does—after all, they’re the protagonists!"

Besides, where else would people be inspired to come up with something this cool!


Ajantis is a swashbuckling 12th level mystic theurge.

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