Friday, September 29, 2006

Who would've thunk it?

So all the cards are on the table. The process has been, quite simply, magical so far. The people i've met are all passionate about the business, and all team-centred. The boss has been upfront, transparent, and forthright with me. I didn't quite know how to react when he told me to counter-propose a salary i was comfortable with, and not just accept the offer in front of me.

I got different pieces of advice from different friends (thanks everyone), but in the end, i decided that i would make an offer that was fair to both me and the company. And remarkably, my offer was accepted without any real hassle. Politic-free. How refreshing. That's gonna take me a while to get used to. Part of me wonders if i should have asked for more, but it's time to move past the numbers (which are quite impressive) and look at the opportunity in front of me.

So now it's just a matter of seeing the formal letter of offer. The job scope is intimidating, no doubt. But think of how much I could learn!

Ajantis will not be a civil servant for much longer....

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