Friday, February 24, 2006

Trimalchio the silly

Ah i miss Trich.

Conversation at Kopitiam tonight in front of stall that says BIG PRAWN MEE

"... so is that stall selling big prawns or big mee?"


cannot take it. time to sleep. good night!

it's good to have HM and T back.

Ajantis can't stop laughing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wicky micky wack-a-moley

For the first time in 2 weeks, I do not have a paper to write or amend. Rather, I am refusing to write or amend. And man, it feels good.

So here are some interesting links. An interesting movie. Makes you wonder about the role of memories. Many other movies talk about it of course. Memento. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Would I be a better person if I had retrograde amnesia and built my memories from scratch? I would probably not have as many neuroses, that's for sure. What do you think?

Ran 14km tonight! It was definitely nice to just run and zone, even if work kept creeping onto my mind. Random thoughts. For one, I DEFINITELY need to update my playlist, especially since I keep forwarding past the 4 Craig David songs in my MP3 player. For another, I spent about 2km ruminating over the thin line between semantics/empty words and the use of proper language/terminology/vocabulary in managing an organisation. At what point does your insistence on using the right words/terms so as to decrease confusion become empty dogma that people start paying lip service to? Management is hard. Sigh.....

SeaJAM is coming around again. God, I can't believe that it's my 5th SEAJAM!!!!! I feel old man.

On a separate note, just because L said I would blog about it...

L is gonna be working at my place as a temp. I have promised that he will be worked extra hard. You know, hell and brimstone and the cracking of the whip and all that.

And on that note, it's time to sign off.

Ajantis is just chillin' tonight....

I just had to say this

I love you because....

the thought of the two of us makes me smile
talking to you always makes me happier (99.9999999% of the time)
you stop snoring loudly whenever I poke you in the side
you let me tickle you and laugh evilly even when you are hyper-ticklish and don't like it
we have so much fun together
you do all the chores around the house without complaining
you bring so much richness to my life
every day I think of spending the rest of my life with you across the ocean
you are willing to give up camping cos I don't like getting mud on my shoes
you are romantic in your own un-romantic way
you challenge my opinions and hold your own
we are opposites of each other in the right ways
you have an amazing voice
you cook yummi-licious dishes and bake amazing bread
we both enjoy taking long walks around cities, even if you make me walk through yucky wet markets in Bangkok
you always exchange food with me when my dish accidentally comes with eggs in it
you always find your way for us in strange cities
we both want kids (even if I want 3 and you want 2)
you are my best friend, confidante, and partner all in one
we have a wealth of wonderful memories over the past 7 years

but most importantly, I love you just because.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Johari Nohari

Do this! Do do do! It's pretty cool.....

Brokeback Mountain

Just saw this movie with a couple of friends, and I wanted to capture my thoughts and reactions.

Several things came to mind

I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. In fact, i only teared up once towards the end? Why? One possible answer ; maybe it's because I've known people like Ennis and Jack who were unable to come to terms with their sexuality. While they didn't end up in as tragic a situation as Ennis and Jack, knowing such people meant that the story didn't impact me as much.

Another possible answer is that it took time for the story and the movie to really sink in. As i was sitting in the cab on the way home, various powerful scenes from the movie came to mind. How the people just kept looking more and more tired as time progressed, how the playfulness and passion between Ennis and Jack faded with each year that passed. There was one scene that seized me ; the contrast between Jack 20 years ago watching Ennis ride off and the present-day Jack, tired and weary-eyed, watching Ennis drive off after yet another argument.

Perhaps that is the mark of a great movie. That you feel affected and touched after the movie. Even now, as i sit down blogging about it, I can't help but feel sadness and empathy for the people shown in the movie. Not just Ennis and Jack, but all the people that they have affected because of their own frustrated love.

Most importantly, I didn't feel like i was watching yet another gay movie, with gay stereotypes and cliches. What was happening between Ennis and Jack felt universal, human, and that was what made it all the more powerful. And it was particularly resonant for me watching Jack and Ennis talking, cuddling, arguing, doing all the things that anyone in any relationship would do.

If you get a chance, go watch it.

Ajantis wants to fly across the ocean right now.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Stressed like a cow

That's the title of my msn messenger at the monent.

Why? Cos i am well and truly stressed. Don't think i've felt this stressed in a while. Not since I overloaded my course schedule while working 20 hours and singing 16 hours a week in acapella groups (and H will tell you that was so not fun -- I was quite irritable and bitchy, to say the least)

But i will be the first to admit that some of the stress is of my own making. I hate leaving things left undone, but that will always be the nature of any job that is not project-based. That said, i do have a crapload of things to do. At last count, I had 8 things to do outside of my core job alone, with a few of them due in the next two to three weeks.

Combined with the fact that my weekends have been burnt due to Chinese New Year events and D&D gaming sessions, along with the upcoming SEAJam camp and other commitments, I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the moment.

But as my friends like to say, that's why i'm paid the big bucks :P

Running and exercise/dancing has become a key part of how i de-stress. So the fact that I pulled a back muscle during performance rehearsal last week only added to the stress, since i had to lay off running and exercise for most of the week. The pull was pretty bad, cos I couldn't even bend my back for about two days. The only good news was that I don't have to do the performance for SeaJam anymore. While it was a bit of a bummer not to perform it after putting in all that effort, it's all for the best since I don't have the same level of body awareness as the other performers, which makes it hard for me to do the fast routines. So not needing to perform the routine, plus a ton of unloading/venting to H (over the phone) and L (over dinner) helped me to de-stress :)

Anyway, things are looking up, even if I still have a shitload of stuff to do this weekend.

Ajantis is back to running again

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Singaporeans just love acronyms.

This past Chinese New Year (note the non-use of acronyms) was an interesting one. Mom pointed out that for the first time ever, I was the one bugging her to go, and the one who wanted to stay a little bit longer.

Guess the reason was cos I had been feeling out of touch with my relatives. Being the eldest cousin by 6 years, I was equally doted upon by all my aunts, and was pretty close to most of my cousins. Fond memories of being called "Kor Kor" as i was growing up.

But I had a very different set of influences from most of my family. Mixing around with classmates who came from a much more upper-class background, going overseas to study... All of these were very different from what my aunts and cousins went through. So it's not surprising that we kinda grew apart over the years. Part of it was that I didn't quite know how to relate to my aunts as an adult, and my cousins were all still in school.

So this CNY turned out to be quite a meaningful one, cos it gave me a chance to connect with some of my aunts and cousins. Got to chat with them a little bit one-on-one, find out what was going on in their lives, catch up a little. Seems kinda ironic that we all live 5 min apart from each other, but the one time I get to talk to them is at Chinese New Year once a year...

I even got to help my aunt with something work-related, which was nice. Helped me to better relate to her as an adult. And I got to play Maple Story (an online roleplaying game, which is a whole another blog) with one of my older cousin, and subsequently chatted with him online (actually, am chatting with him right now :P). Strangely enough, his chatting style is almost completely similar to L's (do all male poly students between the ages of 17-22 chat the same way?)

Anyway, all in all, it was a nice CNY. While the red packets were obviously far fewer, and we didn't get to play "ban lat" (Chinese version of blackjack), I got to catch up with family, relax a little and play a little. That sounds like what CNY should be to me :)

Ajantis is trying to avoid thinking about work