Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wicky micky wack-a-moley

For the first time in 2 weeks, I do not have a paper to write or amend. Rather, I am refusing to write or amend. And man, it feels good.

So here are some interesting links. An interesting movie. Makes you wonder about the role of memories. Many other movies talk about it of course. Memento. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Would I be a better person if I had retrograde amnesia and built my memories from scratch? I would probably not have as many neuroses, that's for sure. What do you think?

Ran 14km tonight! It was definitely nice to just run and zone, even if work kept creeping onto my mind. Random thoughts. For one, I DEFINITELY need to update my playlist, especially since I keep forwarding past the 4 Craig David songs in my MP3 player. For another, I spent about 2km ruminating over the thin line between semantics/empty words and the use of proper language/terminology/vocabulary in managing an organisation. At what point does your insistence on using the right words/terms so as to decrease confusion become empty dogma that people start paying lip service to? Management is hard. Sigh.....

SeaJAM is coming around again. God, I can't believe that it's my 5th SEAJAM!!!!! I feel old man.

On a separate note, just because L said I would blog about it...

L is gonna be working at my place as a temp. I have promised that he will be worked extra hard. You know, hell and brimstone and the cracking of the whip and all that.

And on that note, it's time to sign off.

Ajantis is just chillin' tonight....

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